Teaching Resources
Teaching Resources
In order to help teachers and lecturers to incorporate elements of the Mind-Boggling Medical History game in their lessons, we have created a series of teachers' packs, which are available to download here.
This resource provides two sets of lesson plans to be used in conjunction with individual themes from the Mind-Boggling Medical History card game, which have been designed for undergraduate nursing students and Key Stage 4 school students.
Resources for Nursing Educators
These lesson plans are designed to provide nursing students with a fun, engaging and interactive insight into the ever-evolving world of evidence-based healthcare. They encourage students to consider how attitudes and practices have changed over time and why, therefore, it is so important to continually question and challenge the current status quo in healthcare.
Included is an introductory PowerPoint enabling the ‘Treatment’ theme to be introduced as a lecture. Students would need to be split into smaller groups within the lecture and each group given a set of game cards to use. For those who favour a smaller seminar set-up, there are seminar lesson plans for the following themes: ‘Treatment’, ‘Mind’ and ‘Society’ (public health). Depending upon the number of students in a seminar (recommendation: 8-16 students) one pack of cards could be used between the whole group.
These resources were created by Hannah Little. Hannah is a Registered Nurse based at North Bristol NHS Trust. She completed her MSc in nursing at the University of Nottingham in 2016 where she was also NICE Evidence Student Champion, a role that involved teaching others how to navigate NICE evidence resources. Hannah is passionate about ensuring the latest evidence is accessible to healthcare professionals; she has studied the subject widely, including at a dedicated ‘Evidence-based practice in healthcare’ summer school at the University of Gent. She also recently assisted with updates to the NICE Sepsis recommendation algorithms to help make them more user-friendly. Before training as a nurse Hannah obtained a BA (Hons) in Philosophy from the University of Reading, successfully completed an internship at Henley Business School, and also taught English as a second language in South Korea.
These lesson plans can be downloaded via the following links:
Lesson 1: Treatment
Lesson 2: Society
Lesson 3: The Mind
Resources for School Teachers
These lessons are designed for KS4 classes, potentially as an introduction to History of Medicine as part of the GCSE module, or as engaging lessons to help students develop analytical and reasoning skills within history, PSHCE or cross-curricular. However, the lessons could be adapted to suit KS3 classes, or indeed KS5 classes where appropriate.
These KS4 lesson plans were prepared by Clare Hartnett. Clare has been working in education for over nine years. Beginning in school libraries, completing her MA at UCL, she then moved into teaching after completing her PGCE at Goldsmiths. She is now working as an education consultant alongside teaching, as she remains passionate about teaching and learning. The lessons are available in Microsoft Powerpoint format via the following links:
KS4: Treatment
KS4: Animals
KS4: The Mind
Evaluation Form
We welcome any feedback you may have about the Mind-Boggling Medical History game. Please feel free to email us with any questions or comments. We have an evaluation form that you can use to provide us with any feedback you may have. The form is available to download here.